Three long flights to reach destination airport GVSV in Sao Vicente on Cape Verde. First almost 10 hours with a “help” of headwind to Jerez, LEJR.
The weather was good better than forecasted, but last hours over Spain teribly turbulent. Next day at the sunrise I headed out over sea towards Canaria islands. Luka send me updated informations about headwinds at different levels. Strong headwinds forced me to made fuel stop at Gran Canaria. Luka arranged with handling agency fuel and custom clearance. On the ground after 7,5 hours things starts complicating. They offer me only 100 litres as they thought that this was my requirement as I advised them that I need Avgas 100LL. After negotiating got 140 litres what made riching Sao Vicente in this terible head wind reachable. After almost two hours on the ground I finally get a place in the lane of big airplanes on busy taxiway. To avoid headwinds I remained on 2500 feet direct overwater, after some hours climb to 3000 feet, and when got sms from Luka that winds are improving also at higer altitudes I climbed to 5000 ft and finally to 6000 ft. Sun set came about 2,5 hours to early, visibility was zero due sahara dust, so my only safe option was to fly the long RNAV arrival and RNAV approach for runvay 06. Approach through cloud layers was very turbulent due strong NE winds and got smile on my face when got PAPI lights in right colours in the sight.